This time of year is FLYING by in both our school and personal lives! We are trying to fit in all of our fun holiday activities before the last day of school. (the 19th!!!!!) At home we both have realized that, oops, Christmas is almost here and we might need to get to shopping!!
I just ordered photo books on Snapfish yesterday and they are SUPPOSED to be here in time......fingers crossed! Since we had the girls we do photo books for our parents and they love them, so I really need them to show up in time to be wrapped. Just telling them the books are coming really doesn't cut it! :)
My hubby has these grand visions of building our girls a little table and chairs to have in their room and getting them a tea set. Adorable, but I am not sure when he will fit it in! However, the furniture he wants to make is so cute and he said I could paint it however I wanted, so I am hoping he actually can find the time! Oh well, they are pretty much currently just obssessed with emptying boxes,baskets, etc, and sitting in them so I guess if all else fails we could get them some empty boxes! :)
On the school front we finished our It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas Literacy Centers. They go great with our It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas Math Centers! If you would like to check out either of them just click on the preview pics below!
We will give away a copy of the Literature Centers to the first person to comment about it!!!
We also have finished revamping our Holiday Traditions Around the World Unit! We have done many of these activities with our kiddos for over 10 years and they always love "traveling" around the world to visit other countries and learn about their traditions! If you would like to check it out just click on the preview page below!
We will give a copy of this away to the first person that comments about it!
We also want to give you a freebie from the literature centers! Just click on either of the pictures below to head over to TPT and pick it up!
Enjoy and happy almost Christmas break!!!!