Saturday, July 7, 2012

Friday Freebie!

Hello and happy Friday!
Katie is on vacation in St. Louis with her family this weekend and I am starting to make my packing lists for our trips to Florida and Texas! You have to travel with a LOT of stuff with babies! Yikes! My hubby has to work so my mom is flying in to help me fly to Florida with my girls. Thank goodness! She and my dad watch them during the year and I never even have to tell my mom what I want her to do, she just knows! I'm hoping for a fairly calm trip, although it will be the girl's first trip and they are into everything right now and don't want to sit...they just want to run and empty things. I guess now that I think about it, this could be an interesting trip! My sister works for Delta so the good thing for me is that I get to fly on one of her passes (much cheaper then a ticket) and I can take unlimited luggage! Phew!

When we get back we have about 4 days of down time and then my hubby took time off for us to go to the Restoring Love event in Texas. We get to drive for that trip and we DO plan on leaving at bedtime and driving through the night so that I don't go insane!

In between that I am trying to figure out when we can get our card keys for school so that I can get in and start setting up my classroom during the girls naptimes! I had a moment of panic when I realized that by the time we get back from all of our trips I will be down to about a week before teachers have to report back. I CAN NOT show up on the day we are required to report back and have that be my first day getting my classroom ready. I just can't!!! I'm already getting a little anxious about having everything ready on time! On top of the normal getting ready Katie and I decided to completely change everything about our grade level theme! So we are starting from scratch...super excited about it...but starting from scratch!

So anywho, we love to have our blends and digraphs front and center in our rooms for our kiddos. I love to be able to just point to the posters and let my kiddos figure out what sound the blend or digraph makes in the word they are working on or even to help out with spelling by mentioning that the letters they might be looking for are in the pics on the wall! Our kiddos always know where the posters are and use them even more then we realize! My principal was even in the room one day and asking a question about something a kiddo was working on and they took her over to the posters and showed her how they were figuring out what two letters they needed to finish spelling a word!

Random side last name is German and has a lich at the end which actually in my last name says lick. My poor 2nd graders argue with me every year that the ch sounds like chick and that I must be saying my name wrong! Half of them let it go and call me by the right last name and the other half insist on using ch like in chick. I have completely given up on correcting them!!!!
So here are our Blends and Digraphs posters! Enjoy!!!!
Blends and Digraphs

Glitter Words
[ - *Glitter Words*]
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  1. Love, love, love these! Thanks so much for sharing them!

    ΡΌ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  2. I'm the same way- I can't just show up on the first day of preplanning. I would freak out. It's just the way that I am. Thanks for the cute freebie!! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  3. I am so freaking out because I'm changing not only grades, but schools this year! I have no clue what a second grade classroom should look like or what they should know. So, thank you for the posters as I will definitely use them!! Have a great trip, too:)

  4. These are so cute! Thanks for sharing and stopping by my blog. I'm now following yours!

    Lovin’ Kindergarten

  5. Cute blog! Thanks for stopping by our blog and following us, we're now following you!

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County

  6. Such great posters! Thanks for stopping by my blog... I'm now your 200th follower!!! :)

    A Turn to Learn

  7. Awesome posters! We are allowed back into our school until right before we go back "officially." It is a little stressful, but I am trying to focus on other stuff painting my kitchen :)
    Thank you for the stopping by my blog! I am a follower and love your ideas.
