Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Here comes the rain again....

After being spoiled with more beautiful weather, we are back to rain..yuck! This isn't exactly the best time to be having indoor recess since our third thru fifth graders are taking their state assessments. We use our school library, which is open to the whole school, as a testing area. You guys know how hard it is to keep kiddos quiet in the halls, but during indoor recess?!?!?! Did I mention that our rooms are right off the library? Did I also mention that our wet area/restrooms are right next to the library? We just love yelling quietly reminding the kids who are using the restroom to shut zip their lips while they take care of business. Hey, a teachers gotta do what a teachers gotta do.
Anyways, in honor of these fantastic assessments that have basically caused the primary grades to be in "lock down" mode, we thought that we would share some assessment notes that kindergarten and first grade classes could use. Click here assessment notes and here assessment notes for the first grade notes. Click here assessment notes-K and here assessment notes2- K for the kindergarten notes.

(If you decide to use the notes we would love a comment!!!)

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1 comment:

  1. I love these fun encouraging notes!! Our test buddies will too. Thank you for making my life easier!
